Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rev Abs - week 3

I got about 1/2 way through week three and I started thinking "this is too easy, I have to kick this up". But I was hesitant about moving into phase two of Rev Abs right away. My initial goal was - complete this program 100%, no matter what.

Then I remembered what trainer Tony Horton always says - "listen to your body".

Although I was getting a hard workout with Rev Abs, I did not sweat as hard because my body was getting used to it.

After twelve days of NOTHING, I made the choice to kick things up and change it around.

What I had LOST in these workouts was the FUN factor. Working out because it's FUN. I made it such a chore to workout that I was just doing the workouts for the sake of doing them and not truly enjoying the fun factor of the workouts.

So I took a step back, and wondered "how do I make it fun again?"

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