Sunday, March 29, 2009

What I Learned At The Summit

What I took away from the summit sessions is that you need to have “purpose”, you need to have “goals”, you need to have a “plan” of what you want to achieve. You need to “see” or envision what you what, not just in yourself, but for your Beachbody coaching business as well. I dreamed big, or extremely.

My dream is simple – achieve all of my fitness goals, be a better coach, return to the 2010 coach summit as a diamond (or higher) coach. I remembered how the coaches have described the coaching system with Beachbody as “people helping people”. As I remembered this, I started brainstorming. Help, support, giving time, giving support, utilizing energy for workouts, eating well… everything that I’ve experienced as a Beachbody member has come to fruition at this summit. Then two words hit me – give back. I thought ‘to whom?’

Then I remembered Beachbody’s work with the American Diabetes Association, and how together they developed the program Project You: Type 2 for people with type two diabetes. That is when I made the connection. I looked at my wrist to see my Medic Alert bracelet, which is for my anti-seizure disorder (epilepsy).
What is the one event each year in Washington, DC to support people with epilepsy? The National Epilepsy Foundation’s Walk For Epilepsy on the National Mall. I knew THAT is how I could give back.

I am writing another blog about this because that is how passionate I am about it.

Then I developed a plan of action. Establish and develop a team of Beachbody coaches, and members to support this cause – fighting epilepsy, and searching for a cure. Actor Greg Grunberg is the chairman for the National Walk For Epilepsy. He has done this for three years.

I believe that one person can make a difference no matter how small or great. What matters is you DID it, and that you gave it your best shot, striving towards that goal.


dianemary126 said...

one person can make a difference! You are such a great coach & I know you are going to inspire, help and motivate soo many people James!

James P. Manganiello said...

Thank you Diane!!! :)