Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lacking Motivation - And How I Resolved It

Ok, so last week I thought I was restarting Rev Abs. No motivation. MY TeamBeachbody coach sent me a text asking how I was doing, and I told him the truth – that even though I was eating healthy, I was not working out. What he wrote back blew my mind. He said, and I quote:
“I refuse to let you quit”.
THAT was an eye opener, it was a game changer, and completely caught me for a loop. I was excited, motivated, enthusiastic, and I couldn’t wait to workout.

However, instead of working out alone, we devised a plan that will work. He just got Rev Abs, and we’re now doing that together!

It was exactly what I needed to jumpstart everything, and kick things into a higher gear.

Not only did I restart Rev Abs, but I added a second program - Chalean Extreme. The question was, how was this going to work? So I did a little research. There were several programs that I wanted to do in 2010 – Rev Abs, Chalean Extreme, Brazil Butt Lift, P90X+, Insanity.

Rev Abs is 14 weeks.
Chalean Extreme is 17 weeks.
Brazil Butt Lift is 4 weeks (and it has an extended calendar for another 4 weeks).
P90X+ has three schedules, just like P90X, and is 13 weeks.
Insanity is 8 weeks.

How was I going to create a calendar putting all of those programs together? Answer – Excel. By putting the schedules of the programs side by side, I organized a calendar so by the end of 2010, I will complete all 5 programs.
In other words, DOUBLES.

To “see” what it will look like, here’s a quick overall:
Rev Abs – round 1/ Chalean Extreme
Rev Abs – round 2/Brazil Butt Lift / P90X+ Lean
Insanity / Yoga

The reason why I am excited about this schedule, even though it may look “insane” is because these are programs that I haven’t DONE before! I’ve tried two workouts from Chalean Extreme, one from Brazil Butt Lift, one from P90X+ - but I haven’t done their entire schedules yet.

Trainer Tony Horton said, “Variety is the spice of fitness.” In other words, you have to mix it up, change up the workouts – and as he described the principle of muscle confusion – keep your body guessing.

Honestly, I do not know what to expect from this schedule, but I can tell you this – it’s going to be one helluva ride!

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