Monday, July 13, 2009

P90X In New York City

On Saturday, my girlfriend and I drove to NYC (yes, we drove into NYC to try something different, we usually take the train) for a P90X workout at Chelsea Studios. The workout was P90X’s Core Synergistics. After doing the P90X program three times, I know how CS can push you. I didn’t workout this time, by choice. Instead, I filmed it with two different video cameras. Beachbody coach Nazly Jordan took photos at different times throughout the workout. So, between the photos and video, we should be able to put something together. 

Sunday, we planned on heading to New York City’s Central Park to meet up with Jimmy Hays Nelson and several other coaches. Jimmy does a P90X workout in Central Park on Sunday mornings at 10am. I intended on filming that workout and making one video to post on youtube. Unfortunately, our timing was off. We left a little late and the train we took in NYC dropped us off at the opposite side of the park. Even though we didn’t get to workout with Jimmy and his group, we had a great walk through Central Park followed by a great walk on the streets of NYC as well.

There will always be a “next time”. So until then, have a great week!!!

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