Sunday, April 26, 2009

Power 90 - phase one summary

As of today, phase one (or days 1-28) of Power 90 has been completed. There were 28 workouts scheduled over four weeks. I completed 60% of them.

In 28 days, I lost inches on my neck, shoulders, chest, thighs, and calves. I gained muscle on my arms. I lost a total of 0.625” on my entire body. In addition, I gained a pound.

There were many sidetracks and setbacks during the past four weeks, but that is what makes this a challenge because situations occur (and yes, they will occur) to set you back from your goal. Why? I expected that because of the UNKNOWN factor. The lesson learned is – stick to it! Because by sticking to it and doing everything correctly (exercise, nutrition, supplementation, hydration) you CAN and WILL accomplish your goal. You may even surpass it.

That alone is worth working for.

Power 90 week 4

I still had some difficulties at work this week, but I refused to let that prevent me from working out. instead, I saw that as a challenge. By the end of the wek, this difficulty was managed, and working out helped reduce my stress from work.

I did alright with my eating this week. I thought more long-term instead of the “right here right now” principle. I ate pretty clean. But just as my workouts, I knew that this is ONLY phase one, with a lot more ahead of me.

In increased the dumbbell weights from 22.5pounds to 25 pounds, and I felt it. This meant that the heavier weights are working and I’m working the muscles. I was very happy about that.

I videotaped several workouts this week and they are included in the video for phase one that I’m working on.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Power 90 week 3

Job-related stress can get to ya. We all know it, we all go through it. The question is how do we handle it?

This week, the job stresses got to me. I am going back to my old job in the company from two years ago, and there have been many changes made. During the past two months, I have been learning the new processes of the job, which is both time consuming and detailed. It has been stressful. Six months ago, I stopped taking aspirin and pain medication because I did not want to rely on it anymore. I wouldn’t take it because I felt as though it was not necessary anymore because I viewed aspirin as“escapism from reality”. That changed on Wednesday. My head was pounding, and I had some Tylenol. It alleviated the pain. Hey, ya do what ya gotta do and you go on.

In light of the stress, I refused to become a stress eater this week. I was extremely careful of what I was eating and drinking. Any coffee that I chose to have, I got a cup of decaf coffee. I know, there’s a little bit of caffeine in it, but I just didn’t want a regular cup to get me jolted and running around like a chicken without a head.

Briefly, due to the stress, I slept more at night, and I did not exercise this week.
I know, not a good thing.
Still, it happened, and I am not beating myself up about it. It is a lesson on how to manage stress and frustration – sweat it all away.

On a positive note, I bought TWO 18-pound KBs. Why two? One for each hand while doing Power 90's "Ab Ripper 100". Yes, it intensifies the abdominal workout because you are working your abs harder – just as when you increase the weights during a weight workout. In order to achieve extreme results, we need to do extreme things.

Fortunately, I am confident that this week’s extreme-ness of Power 90 will benefit me in future workouts. I will build up the strength in my arms to compensate for the heavier KBs. Who knows, I will probably increase the KBs again before starting P90X.

In addition to the KBs, I am increasing the weights from 22.5pounds to 25pounds for week four of Power 90. This will definitely be a challenge, and I am looking forward to it.

After completing week four next Sunday, I will post new photos and measurements. In addition, I will compare them to my day one measurements of Power 90.

Until next week…

Monday, April 13, 2009


If anyone wanted to know more about Shakeology, lemme tell you this. It comes in two flavors - chocolate and greenberry. I've tried both at the Beachbody Coach Summit this year. Both are very good. I've recently ordered the greenberry, and plan on kicking it up a notch by adding stuff.

For now, here's a video on Shakeology to learn more about it:

If anyone wants it, let me know. :)


About a year ago, I started to utilize the different workout supplements that Beachbody offers. Their wide range of supplements caught my attention, although I wasn’t sure where to begin or what to try.

I initially started with the Core Nutrition Pack, which consists of Cal-Mag, Omega-3, and an Activit Multivitamin. I continued to use this for several months, and then changed the supplements. Thoughout the past year, I continued to change my supplements every few months whenever I changed programs. When I started working out with P90X, I started using the P90X Peak Health Formula, P90X Recovery Formula. In addition, I was also using Beachbody’s Joint Support Formula.

Now, I’m working out with Power 90. But I still take the P90X Peak Health Formula, Recovery Formula, and Joint Support.

Recently, my girlfriend ordered Beachbody’s newest supplement – Shakeology. We’ll both be using that. After speaking with different people at Beachbody, I would be able to take the Peak Health Formula WITH Shakeology, and that was a big bonus for me. The reason is so I could continue my current supplements with the Shakeology.

I'll let you know how that goes.

Easter Sunday

Another holiday with a history of eating, drinking, and overall binging of food. UGH!

Well, not this time.

Since I expected this, I originally planned to pace myself throughout the day. However, once the meal started, I only had one plate of food with a “taste” of everything. Since there were thirty relatives for Easter Sunday, this holiday was more about family celebrating their time together than overeat. I did not make a second trip for food. However, I did have a “taste” of cheesecake dessert – a sliver (the kind you can see through). It was just enough to satisfy my taste buds. At the end of the night, I went home satisfied, which was what I was hoping for on Easter Sunday.

Power 90 - week 2

I continued using the 22.5pound weights during the “sculpt” workouts this week. I focused on form and technique during the workouts and I also used the pushup bars to protect my wrist. During Ab Ripper 100 with the KBs, I felt it in my abs. It hurt, but I liked it! Gotta buy heavier KBs soon.

My eating has been mostly clean. I’ve slacked a little during the week, but I’m not too worried about it. Stress has a funny way of affecting your eating habits.

Each day, I take several Beachbody supplements: P90X Peak Health Formula, Omega-3, and Joint Support Super Formula. All three are helping me. Between the supplements, eating clean, and the workouts, I’m hoping to develop my entire body within the next 90 days.

Week 2 done. On to week 3.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Power 90 - week 1

On March 23, 2009, I started Power 90 lifting twenty pound weights in the workout, AND using two 10 pound kettleballs during the ab workout. Now some may consider that extreme, but this is JUST the beginning A place to start from and expand upon. With that mindset, I began.

Towards week, I increased the reps in the weight exercises to fifteen reps and I was lifting 22.5 pounds. True, it’s only a 2.5 pound difference, but as the weights increase, a 2.5 pound difference can mean between putting the weights down for a rest or pushing out 1-3 more reps. My abs were hurting by the end of the week, but you know what, I pushed through it. All I thought was "it hurts, which means the abs are working!"

My ultimate goal was to continually progress this way throughout the 90 day program.

Michael French, I cannot thank you enough for introducing the kettleballs into my workout regimen!!! I will increase them throughout the 90 days, and I will keep you posted on how it goes.


After speaking with fellow Beachbody Coach Michael French at the Coach Summit, he told me about how kettleballs enhanced the strength in his core and his arms.

What is a kettleball?

Think of a barbell. A barbell has the handle in the middle and the weight on each side. A kettleball has a handle on the top, and the weight is in the shape of a ball underneath. Hence the term kettleball. Kettleballs can be purchased at any fitness store and there are kettleball DVD workouts and exercises which can be used with the kettleballs. Just as free weights, kettleballs are available in different weights.

This intrigued me, so I bought two 10pound kettleballs. I was open-minded. I wanted to try something new, something to enhance the workout. I had no idea how this would kick things up a HUGE notch.

Why did I buy two? One for each hand.
If I’m doing any ab related exercise in Power 90, I knew that holding one kettleball wouldn’t cut it. So I bought two – one for each hand. This way, it doubles the intensity of the workout because each arm would be working throughout the exercise.

Quick Retrospective

Four years ago, when I was going to the gym, I couldn’t lift more than 10-15 pounds with my arms, BUT when I was doing quad presses I could press 110 pounds. I weighed 145 at the time. What can I say, I ran track growing up. I had more strength in my legs than I ever had in my arms.

When I did Power 90 in 1997, I started with 3 pound weights (no laughing, pleeze). I used that as a starting point and gradually progressed from there. A year and a half later when I finished my 3rd round of P90X, I was lifting 25 pound weights.

I intended on changing what I could lift and what I will be able to lift throughout this program.

Power 90 Measurements 3/28/09

I took my measurements and photos before starting the program. These are my measurements as of 03/28/09:
Neck: 16.0”
Shoulders: 44.0”
L. Bicep: 11.25”
R. Bicep: 11.50”
Chest: 36.25”
Waist: 35.75”
Hips: 34.0”
L. Thigh: 20.50”
R. Thigh: 20.625”
L. Calf: 14.125”
R. Calf: 13.50”
TOTAL: 257.50”
Weight: 154.80 pounds

I will update this blog post with links to the Power 90 starting photo.

Power 90

I started Power 90 in September 2007 and did it for 90 days. I started with three pound weights because I had very little upper body strength. I progressed through the various programs in addition to Power 90 – two rounds of the Power 90 Master Series, and three rounds of P90X. In the last week of P90X, I was lifting 25 pounds.

But I wasn’t satisfied with my achievements.
True, I improved my health statistics. But that was only half the game. Now, I wanted to improve my physical appearance – muscles, abs... the whole thing!

After returning from the Beachbody Dream Extreme Coach Summit, I was determined to eat properly, exercise, and take care of myself – and nothing was going to prevent me from doing so. Eating properly and getting enough sleep was the easy part. After a week of getting enough rest, I scheduled my workouts to start working out again.

A week passes…
I woke up on Sunday morning and said “That’s it, game’s over, I gotta do this”. I signed into WOWY, Beachbody’s online gym to track your workouts, and scheduled workouts for Power 90.

Sunday, March 29, 2009, I started Power 90. I went back to the basics. Although I progressed through various programs, I never truly appreciated the simplicity of Power 90. I do now!!!

Although it’s back to the basics, THIS is a new beginning.

In order to remain accountable for my eating, supplements, and my workouts, I will be blogging about my experiences with Power 90 and how I am progressing.